Reflections of Main - Featured artist Exhibit April
Posted on | Monday, April 2, 2012 | 1 Comment
windel w. asher
Exhibit showing in the special exhibit room at Athens Arts
April 4 - May 12
Opening Reception April 7, 6-8pm
windel w. asher has had the opportunity to see downtown Crawfordsville from a very different point of view than most others. Spending a majority of time with his back to the street, windel started noticing what could be seen in the reflection of the window that was before him. As he became more aware of his surroundings, windel started seeing the combinations of interior and exterior views that could be molded into one composite view… realizing how the two could enhance each other, thus giving the unique perspective a whole new meaning.
“Reflections of Main” has evolved as a photo project created by windel w. asher. They are photos of recognizable downtown Crawfordsville landmarks, street corners, and complete city blocks from a unique perspective… as reflected from another downtown business window. Recognizable locations such as The Court House, The Marie Canine Plaza, the old Crawfordsville Bank Building and a very different view of the Post Office and Clock from the Ben Hur Building take on a slightly different appearance. The reflection is not the only thing seen in these pictures. One can glimpse into the interior of the business whose window is used for the reflection. Some are very easy to see and some that are, well, somewhat difficult. But all are unique in their combination.
Kenn Clark, windel's creator, will be on hand to
comment about windel's individual perspective.
Music will be provided by Amy Demlow.
Light refreshments served.
April 5, 2012 at 1:52 PM
Looks great!